Saturday, February 4, 2012

Clear Browser Cache - a Saturday Project

UPDATE: Because of embedded iframes in this post I highly recommend you read it out of your RSS reader.

Woke up today with an idea that must have its day. So, you know how web applications sometimes ask you to clear your browser's cache. It's the equivalent of "turning it off an on again". A general cure for everything.
But how do you explain to very simple users the steps to clearing their browser cache? Most users probably don't even know what sort of browser they're using. You need to detect it for them and present them with step-by-step instructions (with screen-shots), and practically nobody does this. It's just too much work.

We need a website that does just this - it detects your browser and shows nothing but the steps to clear your cache. Web developers could then just refer to it instead of recreating it on their own over and over again. They could even embed it as an iframe...

So this is my Saturday project. Let's see how far I can get today.

09:30 - Wrote the into above and checking online that nobody has already done this.

09:31 - This can be a totally static website with just Javascript to detect the browser. So it can be hosted in its entirety from S3. I always wanted to do that. Let's read up on how.

09:38 - Seems simple enough. Just create a HTML page and upload it to a new bucket on S3. Then turn the "website" switch in the bucket properties. 
Created a bucket called "clearcache" (I already have a Amazon account).
Created a new local directory for this project on the best source control system - DropBox :)
Created a hello world html file called index.html
Now just s3cmd sync . s3://clearcache

Oops! Amazon says access denied when I tried to view the website at

Giving "View Permissions" to the bucket doesn't seem to solve the problem.. but making the index.html file public does. But that's no good - would I need to do this for every file I upload?

09:56 - Time to RTFM...
09:57 - Argh.. they ask you to create a "bucket policy" and upload it. Common, Amazon, couldn't this have been a checkbox?
Ok, so the site is up.

10:10 - Let's give it a nice name like Amazon suggest adding a cname in the domain DNS records.
That doesn't seem to work. Gives a permission error..
The manual says the bucket name has to be the same as the domain name.. rats! 
Ok, let's rename the bucket to
Great, now I get to wait 30 minutes for the dns cache to expire. I guess that's a good a time as any to eat breakfast.

10:42 - And we're back. And the new cname works:
Time for a little design. 
This website should be dead simple. You visit it and all you see is instruction on how to clear your browser. So we need some javascript that can detect browser, OS (because screen-shots will look different on each OS) and browser version. Probably also language, but let's start with just English for now.
I'm thinking the index page should just contain enough js to determine the right version and then fetch the appropriate html. So it's basically a dictionary of browsers identifiers to HTML manuals. Which also means we need to show a default in case we don't have a manual for the specific browser at hand. That can probably be some 3rd party web site that explains the same steps but doesn't detect the version.

10:53 - Cool. There's a JS library that does browser detection pretty well. We'll make our index.html file link to it and also add JQuery just for good measure.

10:58 - Here's our skeleton HTML. We'll worry about validation later:

It prints:

Your Browser is Chrome 16

11:06 - Let's figure out the dictionary we're going to use. I want it to degrade gracefully, so if we have instructions for FireFox but maybe not the specific version in question then it's probably better to show instructions for some other version than to fallback to the options of last resort (linking to an external page). So the keys need to be Language / Browser / Version / OS - in that order. This order makes sense because the same instructions on different OSs are much more similar to each other than instructions for different browsers on the same OS....

First let's shove all the JS into one main file:

12:10 - Here's main.js. It looks for the best match and tries to load the relevant instruction manual:

12:23 - Now I just need to populate the directory structure lang/browser/version/os.html with a few initial manuals. Let's create the first one for Chrome, then style it a bit.

12:48 - First manual for Chrome is ready. The html page itself has no styling at all:

And it looks like this:

So obviously it needs some nicer styling.

12:53 - Let's add CSS to this thing. First, we want it to be mobile friendly from the get-go. So we'll keep the snapshots as narrow as possible and the design itself should be dead simple. Just a centered narrow page with ordered instructions.

Nothing too fancy. 

13:55 - Let's DRY things up. I really don't feel like writing the same html template for each manual. Only three things change, basically: the logo, the instruction text and the image that goes with each instruction. Everything else can and should be generated automatically.
We want the entire manual HTML file above to be reduced to the following JS snippet:

14:34 - Here's the code that generates our HTML from the above JS dictionary:

Even the image names are auto-generated (image1.png, image2.png, ...) and each browser has its logo specified just once. Here is the resulting directory structure:

14:39 - Lunch time. Afterwards I'll add Firefox and IE.

15:48 - Firefox 10 and IE 9 are done. Now it's just a matter of adding more browsers and OSs. But I think I'll offload this to an outsourcing contract on oDesk.

That was fun. Visit to see the finished product.

Sources: main.js, index.html, manual.css

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